This section provides access to the presentations for the course “Denotational Engineering of Programming Languages” conducted during the spring semester of the academic year 2020/2021 at the Department of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics of Warsaw University.
Presentations will be updated as comments are received from listeners. The names of updated files will not change, but the date of the last modification will be shown on this site. To download a file, click on its name. Section numbers seen in front pages of presentations refer to the book “A Denotational Engineering of Programming Languages,” which can also be downloaded from this page.
0 A.Blikle - An invitation to a project.pdf by March 1st, 2021
The description of what the project is about.
0 A.Blikle - Jak to zrobimy.pdf (How we shall we do it) by March 1st, 2021
This presentation is exceptionally in Polish. It explains the idea of how our project will be realized by the group of listeners of the course organized as an innovative startup, which should be a self-organizing team (a teal teem). More on teal organizations in the book of Andrzej Blikle "A Teal Doctrine of Quality" (or in Polish “Turkusowa doktryna Jakości”), both to be downloaded from this site.
1 A.Blikle - DEPL Preliminaries.pdf by March 8th, 2021
Preliminary concepts and notations: Chain-complete partially ordered sets (CPOs), CPO of formal languages and equational grammars, many-sorted algebras, CPO od binary relations, and of domains, abstract errors, a three-valued propositional calculus. Sections 2.1 - 2.9
2 A.Blikle - DEPL Many-sorted algebras.pdf by March 8th, 2021
Many-sorted algebras in general. Algebras of syntax. Abstract, concrete and colloquial syntax. Ambiguous and unambiguous algebras. Algebras of syntax versus equational grammars. Sections 2.20 - 2.14
3 A.Blikle - DEPL Lingua-A From data to values.pdf by March 15th, 2021
Data, bodies, composites, yokes, and values. The fundament for Lingua-A that constitutes an applicative layer of Lingua. Sections 4.1 - 4.3.
4 A.Blikle - DEPL Lingua-A Expressions.pdf by March 18th, 2021
Data expressions, and type-expressions. Sections 4.4. - 4.8
5 A.Blikle - DEPL Lingua-1 Instructions and declarations.pdf by March 23rd, 2021
Declarations, instructions (without procedures), and programs. Section 5.
6 A.Blikle - DEPL Lingua-2 Procedures.pdf by March 25th, 2021
Imperative procedures with recursion and multirecursion, and functional procedures. Section 6.
7 A.Blikle - DEPL Semantic correctness of programs.pdf by May 21st, 2021
An introduction to program correctness + partial correctness. Sections 7.1 - 7.6
8 A.Blikle - DEPL Total correctness of programs.pdf by May 21st, 2021
Weak total correctness in the relational framework. Section 7.7
9 A.Blikle - DEPL Lingua-2V Syntax and semantics.pdf by May 27th, 2021
Weak total correctness in the relational framework. Sections 8.1 - 8.4
10 A.Blikle - DEPL Lingua-2V Program-construction rules.pdf by May 31st, 2021
Rules for the development of correct programs in Lingua-2V. Section 8.5
11 A.Blikle - DEPL Lingua-2V Transformational programming.pdf by June 7th, 2021
Rules for the transformation of correct programs in Lingua-2V. Section 8.6
12 A.Blikle - DEPL Lingua-OO Object-oriented programming.pdf by April 27th, 2020
The expansion of the Lingua model to OO-programming. Section 8.6
Nazwa firmy: Andrzej Blikle Doradca
Nr telefonu: +48 607 456 918
NIP 525 12 84 084